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Booth Attendant Guide

Everything you need to know to set up at your event's location

Emily Devlin avatar
Written by Emily Devlin
Updated over a week ago

As the booth attendant or assistant, you won't necessarily have access to the full account or know how to customize the booth's settings.

This guide will help you through everything you'll need to know for a smooth event, including the types of problems you can troubleshoot yourself vs. the types of problems you may need to contact the account holder about.

1. Connect with the account holder

The account holder should be responsible for getting the iPad and event settings ready. There are also a few key pieces of information they should share with you before you reach the venue.

Make sure you know which event settings to use, what the plan is for the iPad's WiFi connection, and more.

2. Assemble the booth

Upon arriving at the venue, setting up the booth hardware will be your first step.

You may be asked to set up in a specific location.

If you have flexibility on the location, keep in mind that sometimes moving the booth will result in better picture quality (lighting) or faster delivery (depending on how close or far you are from the WiFi source).

Turn on your lighting and you're ready for the next steps.

3. Connect to WiFi

What network to use depends on your situation.

You should be prepared with the network's passcode ahead of time if possible. If not, somebody at the venue can potentially provide you with one.

If you are unable to connect to a network, the app will work offline as long as you're already signed in.

4. Prepare the HALO app

Understand how to navigate the app and launch your booth.

Ideally, the account holder will have shown you how to launch the app! We also have some detailed instructions you can review.

Be sure you choose the correct event settings.

5. Take test pictures

Taking some test pictures will accomplish a few things.

Check picture quality

Make sure the lighting and framing of the pictures look nice. If you have a backdrop, the backdrop should take up the entire background of the pictures.

Camera adjustments, including exposure and a zoom tool, will help you fine-tune these details.

Test photo deliverability

Digital deliverability

Be sure to send yourself a text, email, or scan your picture's QR code to make sure the network you've connected to is reliable. You'll want to familiarize yourself with how to check the app's offline upload queue.

If your picture get's stuck in the app's offline queue for more than a couple minutes...

  • ...and you can connect to an alternate network, give that a try. Be sure to forget any network you don't plan to use.

  • ...and you can't connect to an alternate network, never fear. The app will work offline, and you'll know to assure participants that they shouldn't expect their picture right away.

Delivering prints

Properly connecting to the printer is key to delivering prints. Our guide will help you connect to your printer, but it can also be very helpful to have the printer manual on hand.

If you can't connect the printer to a "traditional" network (and are instead using the printer's built-in network), all digital uploads will queue up until you can connect the iPad to a normal network again.

Note: You should not need to do anything to format the pictures, the account holder will have done this ahead of time.

6. Enable Guided Access

Once your settings are ready and have been tested, you are ready to launch and lock into booth mode. Be sure you don't use Test Mode.

7. Breaking Down After The Event

While breaking down, check the app's queue to make sure it emptied out. If there are still pending items, you or the account holder will know to address those as soon as possible.

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