HALO and Classic are both iPad apps designed to operate as an open air photo booth. All participants will approach your booth and follow the same general steps.
As the host, you will first customize the experience including the pictures, branding and appearance, and the editing and sharing methods available to participants.
Then, anybody interacting with your booth will follow the steps below.
1. Tap To Start Booth
The app will rest on a "tap to start" screen between sessions so that participants approaching the booth will know what to do to get started. You choose whether or not participants are able to select their layout type at this step.
After counting down, the app will capture participants' photo(s) before advancing to the next step.
The start screen can be customized on certain plans!
2. Photo Editing
After capture, the app will advance to an editing screen. As the host, you pick & choose which types of edits are available to participants, if any.
This step cannot be disabled, even if you disable all editing options -- the retake button in the upper left corner will always be available in case the participants don't like their appearance in the photo(s).
3. Data Capture & Sharing
After making any desired edits and advancing, participants will then reach the sharing page in the app where they can share a copy of their image with themselves via text message, email, or QR code. We also support an optional printing feature for those who want to offer print-outs.
If data capture is enabled (available on our Pro & Select plans), data collection will occur as a part of the sharing process.
4. Finishing A Session
After entering their contact info, participants can tap "done" to wrap up their session and return to the "tap to start" screen.
If participants accidentally walk away without tapping done, as long as they've entered any kind of contact information, we'll send the picture out and "time out" their session for the next guest.