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Booth Appearance Customizations

Customize what the HALO app's booth looks like beyond the pictures

Emily Devlin avatar
Written by Emily Devlin
Updated over a week ago

Customize aspects of your photo booth beyond the pictures themselves. These customizations can be made from your preset settings.

⚠️ Not all customizations are available on all plans, see below for more information on availability ⚠️

App Appearance

These settings have an impact on the aesthetic of your booth.


Start Screen Colors

Adjust the font and background color for your start screen. Use a hex code or our color picker.

Start screen colors will be disabled if a start screen background has been uploaded or a theme is in use.

Booth Color Scheme

Choose between light mode or dark mode. The app's transition pages will appear in this theme.

App Backgrounds

Add full screen backgrounds to the experience.

Start Screen

Replace the default start screen with your own custom graphic. Be sure to incorporate some language to let participants know how to begin their session.

Custom start screen graphics will override themes when a theme is selected.

Video start screens are also supported.


Enabling a theme will add a styled start screen to your booth.

Themes will be disabled if a custom start screen is uploaded.


While not technically part of the booth itself or your preset settings, the online gallery where participants receive their pictures can be customized for a cohesive look start-to-finish. Learn more in the Galleries section of our Help Center.

App Interactions

Adjusting these settings will either add or remove something to the app's flow and/or the participant experience as they move through their session.

Touchless Mode

Our gesture-based mode supports using the app without needing to touch the screen. Certain settings are not supported in touchless mode, including edit tools and data capture.

Camera & Countdown


Choose from the front or rear camera. We recommend using the front camera so participants can more easily navigate through their session.

Countdown Seconds

Countdown seconds are displayed on the screen so participants know when each frame will be snapped.

Delay Seconds

Delay seconds are not displayed on the screen and only count down before the first frame, which gives participants a little extra time to frame themselves in the way they want.

Get Ready Prompt

The get ready prompt will display the layout type on the screen before the delay seconds count down, and can help participants figure out how to pose.

Data Capture

Add a form that collects information from participants to the final steps in the app. A text or email will automatically be sent if those fields are in use on your preset.

Age Gate

Ensure participants are of a certain age before they can use your booth. The Age Gate will be presented after the participant can capture pictures.

Send Options

Pick and choose which sharing options will be displayed on the final stage of the app.

Feature Availability







Start Screen Colors






Booth Color Scheme






Start Screen Background





Touchless Mode






Camera & Countdown






Data Capture



Age Gate


Send Options






Looking for more information about customizing pictures?

We have a separate article dedicated to picture customizations.

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