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Sharing Pictures With Clients

Participants automatically receive their photos, but you want to take some extra steps to make sure your client has what they need.

Emily Devlin avatar
Written by Emily Devlin
Updated over a week ago

Participants will automatically receive links to their own pictures via text, QR, etc., but you or your client may also want additional access to the gallery and copies of the files.

Gallery Link Sharing

Gallery Privacy

If your page's privacy level is Public or Unlisted, you can share a link to the gallery's main page with anybody who needs a copy.

Gallery link sharing is unavailable for Private galleries because those pictures are automatically & permanently marked as private. In these circumstances, instead of sharing a link you can share copies of the files -- more information in the next section.

Learn more about gallery privacy and the participant opt in process here!

Sharing Links

  1. Make sure your app's offline queue is empty if applicable.

  2. Visit your gallery settings and click on the gallery you want to share.
    The top-most section of the gallery settings includes picture previews; and the top-right portion of this section includes a link to open the gallery itself.

  3. Open your gallery.

  4. Click into the URL bar to highlight the gallery's url, then copy the link.

  5. Paste your link wherever you are sharing!

Share Saved Files

Galleries are fun for sharing photos from events over social networks, but often times clients also want copies of the photos to save to their computer or hard drive.ย 

Access a bulk download of the pictures in your gallery that you can then pass along to your family, friends, or client.

Promote Your Gallery

Public galleries will include a ready-to-go embed link, which you will find in the top-right corner of the page. You must be signed into your account in order to access this link.

This HTML code can be pasted to your website!

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