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Managing Failed Uploads
Managing Failed Uploads
Emily Devlin avatar
Written by Emily Devlin
Updated over a week ago

Uploads completely failing is very rare. Use this article to learn more about how to take action to save your photos, even if they have failed in the queue.

Manage pending and failed uploads from your app's queue manager.

Identifying Failed Uploads

Your queue manager will display between two and three tabs, depending on whether you have any failed uploads.

Pending Uploads

Pending uploads will be listed in an "In Progress" tab. When uploads are still pending, they'll be able to upload while connected to a reliable WiFi or cellular network.

If your uploads are still pending, check out the article below for steps to get things moving.

Failed Uploads

If you have any failed uploads, a new tab will populate in your queue manager to allow you to manage them.

Addressing Failed Uploads

Failed Uploads

Failed uploads can be retried through the app and can also be exported to your Camera Roll.

Retrying Failed Uploads

Retrying is the best way to address failed uploads. When you retry them through the queue, these uploads will both automatically be sent to your online gallery as well as sent out to the people who requested the picture link via text, email or QR code.

If you have failed uploads from multiple events, they will be divided into sections, each with a retry button in the top-right corner.

  1. You'll be required to choose a new preset to associate with the uploads as a part of this process. If you do not want to use an existing preset, start by creating a new preset & gallery pair from your account's dashboard. Quit & reopen the HALO app to be sure the new preset & gallery sync to the app.

  2. Tap the retry button in the top-right section of the event.

  3. Select a new "Destination Preset" for the pictures. Selecting a new preset will help failed uploads bypass the issue they initially encountered, allowing them to upload through to your account.

At this point, your pictures should move to the "In Progress" tab and will start to upload.

Exporting Failed Uploads

If retrying your pictures through the queue is unsuccessful, you can always export them to your Camera Roll.

To export failed uploads:

  1. Start in the failed tab.

  2. Tap the thumbnail of each image you want to export.

  3. Once one or more uploads have been selected, options to export or delete the pending uploads will populate at the top of the page.

Dead Uploads

Dead uploads are very rare and cannot be recovered.

The data associated with completely dead uploads has been lost in such a way that makes them unrecoverable.

If the pictures were saving to your iPad's Camera Roll during your event, you can still send them to our team for us to manually upload them to your online gallery for you.

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