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Your Public Profile

Help promote your business through our new public profiles

Emily Devlin avatar
Written by Emily Devlin
Updated over a week ago

Public profiles are a great way to share your business information with anybody who interacts with your booth. Profiles are disabled by default and can easily be enabeled from your profile settings.

How Profiles Are Accessed

There are two ways event guests and booth participants can access your profile:

Profile Link

A link to your profile will be displayed in the top left corner of your online galleries once your public profile is enabled.

Profile links will include your avatar, display name, and username. If your display name is empty, the link will use your first name and last initial.

Profile Ads

Advertisements linking to your profile will be displayed between pictures so are visible as participants scroll through your public gallery page.

Profile ads can be enabled from your gallery settings, so you can enable ads for certain events and disable them for others.

Profile ads will include your avatar and display name. If your display name is empty, the link will use your first name and last initial.

Customizing your Profile

Start by visiting your profile settings. If your public profile is not already enabled, you will be prompted to enable it before you are able to customize.

Profile Settings

  • Cover Image: your cover image will display as a header on your profile. Recommended size: 1920x540px.

  • Avatar: your profile picture! Recommended size: 300x300px

  • Username: letters, numbers, dashes, underscores, and periods are all supported.

  • Display Name: the name you add to your profile should be the go-to contact for any event participants who want to connect.

  • Company: add your company name here

  • Industry: choose your industry from our dropdown menu

  • Website: link participants directly to your website from your profile.

  • Profile Description: include some information about who you are and the services you offer.

  • Profile Action Button and URL: Add a button to your profile to allow event participants to contact you or visit your website.

Enabling And Disabling Your Profile

If you would prefer not to show a public profile, disable the profile altogether from the bottom of your profile settings.

Previewing Your Profile

Preview your changes by clicking the “View Profile” button toward the top of your profile settings.

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