Your pictures will automatically save to your Simple Booth account, so using our Dropbox integration is an optional, additional saving method for our HALO app.
Using Dropbox's formatted sheets is required for the purposes of reprinting, these copies will preserve your print formatting settings.
Dropbox is available on the Core tier plan and higher.
Integrating Dropbox
Dropbox saving options can be enabled both in-app and online from your preset settings.
You must use the HALO app to sync to your Dropbox account.
Use the login option at the top of the in-app Save Options panel to sign into your Dropbox account and approve the connection.
Save Options
Finished Layouts
Save a copy of the layout you choose in the design panel. This folder will contain pictures that look like the pictures that end up in your gallery.
Individual Images
Save the individual frames that make up the layouts.
4x6 Formatted Sheets
Save copies that include formatting information for 4x6" paper with your printer. If you want to reprint during or after the event, use this option.
5x7 Formatted Sheets
Save copies that include formatting information for 5x7" paper with your printer. If you want to reprint during or after the event, use this option.
Dropbox Folders
Photos are saved in the Apps "directory" in your Dropbox account.
The Simple Booth folder will contain unique folders for each of your presets. You must sync at least one upload from that preset to Dropbox before the preset's folder will appear.
Folder Names
Do not delete these folders, which can disrupt the integration and result in unsaved pictures.
The finished .jpg layout.
The finished animated .gif file.
GIF Videos
GIF frames looped in a .mov (H264) file. Saves automatically when "Finished Layouts" is enabled and a GIF layout is used.
Original high-resolution photos without branding.
Individuals (Branded)
Individual frames from your branded GIF. Saves automatically when "Save individuals" is enabled and the type of file is a GIF.
Formatted sheet with centered layout for reprinting to a 4x6 piece of paper.
Formatted sheet with centered layout for reprinting to a 5x7 piece of paper.
File Names
Each saved file is prefixed with a code unique to your device, then a number that counts up and finally ends with a file extension.
The file name will look like this:
Apps / Simple Booth / [preset name] / [type of media] / [device id]-[picture number].[file extension]
A saved file might have a final path like this:
Apps / Simple Booth / My Preset / GIFs / ABCDE-00001.gif