As you run events your list of presets and galleries will gradually grow longer. At some point you'll want to clean things up, which you can do by archiving old settings.
These account management settings are only available with our subscription based plans. Classic app customers cannot archive or delete old galleries.
Archiving Presets & Galleries In-App
There are two ways to archive when you're working in-app. The first is to swipe left on the event you'd like to archive, then tap the middle button (it looks like a file box!), and confirm you'd like to archive. This can be seen below.
You can also tap into the event's settings and find an archive button at the top, near the event's title.
Archiving Presets & Galleries Online
Find the item you want to archive from your list of events.
Click the "actions" dropdown button, and select the archive option.
Accessing Your Archive
Your archive cannot be accessed in-app.
Toggle between the controls at at the top of your preset and gallery lists in order to view active events, archived events, or a mix of both.
Unarchive or delete events by finding any archived item, and selecting "unarchive" from the actions menu.
Deleting Presets & Galleries
If your gallery is empty, the "actions" dropdown menu will include a delete option.
If your gallery is not empty it, archive it first.
Access your archive, then use the "actions" dropdown to select the delete option.